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5 Responses to Route

  1. Enjoy the journey Carol, write snippets at night so you won’t forget all the great moments. Photos tell the story too of course. Remember cyclists can call AAA now. 🙂


  2. Charlie says:

    Carol you Rock! and I am jealous. I am wearing myself out these days riding 30 miles with no panniers .Keep it up and enjoy the sunshine and warmth. Love the Blog and am following you. Little Charlie

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Brenda Moody says:

    Carol, So great to see this!
    You’re awesome! Brenda Moody

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nancy Haas says:

    Very interesting to read all about the planning before, the list of supplies, seeing the itinerary and map, and your commentary.


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